Monday, December 1, 2014

Hello there!

Hello there friends, WE DID IT!!!! We did NaNoWriMo!!! Now what you may ask, we will continue to set word goals and keep writing! Yeah! *fist pump*

Nanowrimo update (Jocelyn)

WE FINALLY FINISHED OUR WORD GOAL!!! It's great since I've been really busy this week (no I don't watch agents of S.H.I.E.L.D or Dr. Who) with work and stuff (lucky Coral got the week off to do nothing and watch tv shows...) and I actually don't really know what else to say so I'll just end this off here. God bless.


Saturday, November 29, 2014

An update on life

Hello everyone! So tomorrow is the last day, and we are so close to making it! So wish us luck!
In reality we would be done by now but, I have been kind of , sort of, busy... (Psh, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Doctor Who are really important right?)
But it will be done! Cross my heart!! OuO
Ok, so that's all :3


Friday, November 21, 2014

Hey readers out there

We're so sorry about not blogging in such a long time (yes Coral already mentioned this in the last blog but I wanted to say something too). Our shared email didn't like us being so far apart (more like it didn't like us in different countries) so we just had to fix it up a bit. I'd like to point out that when Coral says "grate" she most often means "great" and we are about half way done our book for nanowrimo. That's all for now :)

Thursday, November 20, 2014


OK GUYS!! So on December first it's #CyborgMonday and I got this really cool idea, what if we all dress up as Cyborgs!! It would be so cool! You can do anything really, small or big; just do something cyborg like ;)
Also, if you want take a picture of yourself (and friends if they do it too!) and we can somehow show Marissa Meyer (any ideas on how btw?) it would be sooooo cool!
Let's make this big guys! Tell your friends and fellow fans!! Let's show cyborg spirit!! (Was that cheesy enough guys?)

But really, it will be so cool!

If you have any questions and/or ideas just comment!


Hello all!! Sorry we have been quiet, (stupid email...) anyways, we are doing grate on our book! We are more than half way done with our word count so that's good :3

Character names:

  • Gwen
  • Aspen
  • Dex
  • Jade
They are the main characters so far ;)
This has been really fun and I'm really excited to see how it will come out! How are everyone else's books coming? 

I can't think of anything else to say.... (I'm just that cool, right?)


~Coral (I'm awesome so there!)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Friends (Jocelyn)

This is what happened tonight. I was with my friends and they can be very mischievous up to a point where I get frustrated. You can just ignore this post if you want because it's more of just random stuff that happens to me.

So I was wearing my friend T’s sweater (T took mine first) and then S and I went downstairs to go check something using the wifi. When I came upstairs I was wondering where my sweater was. So I said to T: "where is my sweater?" I had trusted T with my sweater but I wasn't quite sure whether T would do anything to it or not.
T's response was: "J went home with it." I do not trust J with anything. In my head I was kind of panicking slightly but maybe I'd get my sweater back tomorrow if I was lucky.
At first, I didn't believe T so I unzipped T's jacket. I was almost expecting to see my sweater there but T was, unfortunately, telling the truth. J had my sweater. I don't know how but T somehow got a hold of my mittens and went outside with them. Of course T came around the other side and as I opened the door, I saw J. I was like: O.O and then J started going around to the other side of the church (did I mention that we were at a church in the rotunda?) and so I went outside (without a jacket - yeah I'm smart like that because it was cold enough to snow today) and saw J. I was like to J: "where is my sweater???"
J was like: "T has it." Or some random junk like that and I was starting to panic, looking all around. I even went into both bathrooms that were there. My sweater wasn't there. Finally I got fed up and decided it was time to get my sweater back. So I pretended to be frustrated and I went and curled up in a corner and pretended to sulk (yay for acting). They believed me so I kept up the act and finally my sweater was returned. Then someone told me that my parents were here and then I had to go out. That all happened tonight. Such great friends I have…Oh yeah btw I’m still wearing T’s sweater right now :P

~Jocelyn Hightower

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Cursed Charm

Author’s Note:
This story is our un-edited Nanowrimo story!! (J: I can only edit so much: I am only one person after all) (Hey! I edit too!! ~C) (J: I have one word for you: interget.) (... Shut up J! I was on an iPad!! ~C) (J: Interget does not equal intricate...) (OnO) Anyways, if you find any mistakes with the editing then please comment so that I’ll know how bad a job of editing that I have done. (J: Take a guess at who wrote that :P) (I think it was you ~C) (J: That was a -retorhical- rhetorical question!) (FAIL! ~C) (J: Atleast I was close in spelling. I only put the “h” in the wrong place.) (-_- ~C)
BACK TO THE TOPIC! These stories are based off of fairy tales (Yep, another one of those books ~C) But its not all unicorns and rainbows, its very different. I’m serious. So just sit back, read, and enjoy! (Wow, that really was cheesy… Did I really just say that?) ~C)(J: …)

Note* this will be posted on two accounts on wattpad

Dedication: For our dear readers out there (J: if we have any)
AND, For all my friends! I know you all like stories ;3 (J: I don’t have any friends... ) (*Cough* loner *cough* ~C) (J: Clarification: I don’t have any friends that enjoy reading) (Suuurreeee ~C)

Welcome to the uprising! As zeros you have no purpose in society; you are just extras taking up space. There is no hope and no future for a you, there is only despair and death.
But that will soon change for the uprising is coming. A new era will appeared and numbers will be equal. You will finally have a chance at the equality of life.
There is only one way to achieve this though; you must kill the king. Zeros will forever be doomed to death and despair if this is not achieved.
It is up to you to change the world.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Lockdown! (Jocelyn)

Well, today was an uneventful day except for the lockdown we had this morning that lasted for over an hour.
Here is a snippet of what I wrote while it happened. Anything in brackets is just my opinion of it now and I may have changed up a few details so it makes more sense:

"Nov 6, 2014 10:14 am
We are currently in hold and secure mode. It started over half an hour ago last period (which was first period). My classmates are restless and many of them have started talking. People are not taking this as seriously as it should be taken. Many of them are using their phones even though there was an announcement that told us that it was not a drill and not to use our cell phones. I tried working on a project but found that I am unable to continue (sorry for the formal writing: I was writing something for history and I was supposed to talk more formally than normal so my mind was on formal mode for writing). It is uncomfortable here sitting on the cold, hard floor. The people that were working on the roof stopped long ago but just now I heard footsteps...There is talk about someone being injured but I do not recognize their name. We wait...

* * *
10:29 am
My classmates continue to be loud and rowdy. The teacher only tells them to be quiet when they are almost shouting. S and R are playing some sort of game with a piece of paper but I don't feel like checking it out. I wonder if K is alright. C went to go check on her. K is fine. C just came back with that news (nobody left the room. All that happened was the teacher opened a door that leads to a cupboard thing with a light and K went to sit in peace because K wasn't feeling well. I wonder how everyone else is doing...I hope they're all okay."

The hold and secure ended at 10:42 after over an hour of waiting. Nobody has died and there is no further alarm. Jocelyn out :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Jocelyn's post 1

Hey readers out there! I don't really know what to put but Coral told me that I should probably have a few posts of my own (after chastising me on editing without telling her). She said that I should put my thoughts and updates on here but...I don't really know what to say. I'm more just the background person with the editing and I'm not really that outspoken. I don't even like talking much to people unless I know them very well. I'll probably end up rambling like I am I guess I'll end this here. I'll try to update when I can (probably when I can think of things to say). Later :)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Nanowrimo start!

Anyone else excited for NaNoWriMo? I am! My story is a fairy tale story. I won't give any details away yet but the main character is named Ella and she is sixteen years old :3

Here is a little something my friend had me do :D


What is the best way to eat steak? 
I don't, that is a food for the upper class. But when I did eat it, it was medium rare I guess.

When was the last time you cried for someone? 
When I was nine. My parents took me away and I cried, but I haven't cried since then. If I cry I will display weakness and the gang will never see me the same way.

Do you like your mom or dad better? Or do you not know them well?
I don't like either of them. They only look for perfection in everything and I know they tried really hard to accept me, but I think they did exactly what they did to my brother. Anyways, I haven't seen them for about a month or two, it's not like They care. I can't live with them, I'm a zero and they are eights. I haven't lived with them since I was fourteen: there were some... Problems that occurred.

What do you treasure? 
I don't treasure anything, I have nothing. But I guess I treasure the fact that I haven't been drafted and the fact that I have friends to hang out with. Also I guess I treasure the art I do, we are making the world better. 

What do you want to accomplish this year?
I want to bring freedom, but since that isn't possible I wanna live. I don't wanna be drafted so I want to accomplish staying hidden from the government.

Would you consider yourself narcissistic?
No, I care deeply for people. I try my best to help people around me I guess, there isn't a lot to be done though

So far the word found is almost 1000 words, I'm so happy! How are your stories coming? Let me know!

Peace out!
(edited by Jocelyn)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Coral's post

Super exsited to be writing! I was thinking the other day, man... I need to write something XD
Haha, I'll probably work on Shatter Me. I have given it about a month so now I think I know how to get past an anoing part, so exsited to write again!! :D

Monday, September 29, 2014


Hey! We are Coral and Jocelyn!
We are co-authors and are constantly writing. We like books, music, art, and other things that are fun ^_^ (J: Tobymac!!!)

This is our new blog! On it we will be posting excerpts and news about our writing journey. We are currently writing a lot and are super excited for NaNoWriMo!! (Probably mostly me ~C) One of the stories we are currently writing is called Mirrors (just a hint about our next book). Basically Coral types a bunch of random stuff and I, Jocelyn turn it into words and phrases that make sense (J: her spelling is just plain awful XD) (..... ~C)

We are really good friends and are constantly talking (J: that’s actually only Coral). Sometimes we have our disputes, but we always make up afterwards. (psh, never ~C) (J: -.-) (JOKING, WE ALWAYS MAKE UP!! ~Coral)

We will attempt to keep people updated and make sure to check out our profile for more info ;)

We hope you enjoy our stories!! :D


~Coral Reef

-- Jocelyn Hightower