Thursday, November 13, 2014

Friends (Jocelyn)

This is what happened tonight. I was with my friends and they can be very mischievous up to a point where I get frustrated. You can just ignore this post if you want because it's more of just random stuff that happens to me.

So I was wearing my friend T’s sweater (T took mine first) and then S and I went downstairs to go check something using the wifi. When I came upstairs I was wondering where my sweater was. So I said to T: "where is my sweater?" I had trusted T with my sweater but I wasn't quite sure whether T would do anything to it or not.
T's response was: "J went home with it." I do not trust J with anything. In my head I was kind of panicking slightly but maybe I'd get my sweater back tomorrow if I was lucky.
At first, I didn't believe T so I unzipped T's jacket. I was almost expecting to see my sweater there but T was, unfortunately, telling the truth. J had my sweater. I don't know how but T somehow got a hold of my mittens and went outside with them. Of course T came around the other side and as I opened the door, I saw J. I was like: O.O and then J started going around to the other side of the church (did I mention that we were at a church in the rotunda?) and so I went outside (without a jacket - yeah I'm smart like that because it was cold enough to snow today) and saw J. I was like to J: "where is my sweater???"
J was like: "T has it." Or some random junk like that and I was starting to panic, looking all around. I even went into both bathrooms that were there. My sweater wasn't there. Finally I got fed up and decided it was time to get my sweater back. So I pretended to be frustrated and I went and curled up in a corner and pretended to sulk (yay for acting). They believed me so I kept up the act and finally my sweater was returned. Then someone told me that my parents were here and then I had to go out. That all happened tonight. Such great friends I have…Oh yeah btw I’m still wearing T’s sweater right now :P

~Jocelyn Hightower

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